Fairness opinion an opinion developed by qualified analysts or advisors with the purpose of providing key details and factual proof to the decision makers of a merger or acquisition. 公平意见由合资格分析员或顾问出具,就一项合并或收购项目向决策人提供项目主要细节及实质证明的意见书。
In the current world, there exist two patterns on how to assume the liability for factual proof in administrate action: adversary system and exofficio system. 当今世界各国行政诉讼中对此大致有两种分担方式:辩论主义和职权探知主义。
The very popular in academic history factual proof law, this is very necessary. 在历史学界很盛行事实论证法,这是非常必要的。
There among, in common law system, the torts law divided causality into factual causality and legal causality and in civil law system, it divided into liability founding causality and liability scope causality and confirmed related standard and burden of proof. 其中,英美法系侵权法将因果关系分为事实因果关系与法律因果关系,大陆法系(德国法)将其分为责任成立的因果关系与责任范围的因果关系,并以此确定相应标准和举证责任。
The scientific evidence is various kinds of factual materials found and announced through the scientific principle and technological method, its intension is the weight of proof of scientific principle and technology, its extension demonstrates the open characteristic because scientific knowledge is notarized by law. 科学证据就是借助科学原理和技术方法发现和揭示出来的各种事实材料,其内涵是科学原理和技术的证明性,其外延则由于法律对科学知识的确认而表现出开放性的特点。
Factual presumption is a method of proof in criminal proceedings, just like proof with evidence. 事实推定同利用证据进行证明一样,是诉讼证明的一种方法。
On Apportionment of Liability for Factual Proof in Administrative Action 行政诉讼中事实证明者角色的分担
Evidence contains information of cases, reveals the evidential fact through the factual information, and helps finds out the truth. That's why evidence can be the basis of proof of case fact. 证据之所以能够成为证明案件事实的根据,是基于证据蕴涵着事实信息,通过事实信息能够揭示证据事实,查明案件事实。
The writer think, to study the evidential proof system we must also research into presumption rules. Because it can change the factual object of evidential proof and decide the transfer and alteration of evidential proof. 笔者认为,研究举证责任制度,必须研究推定规则,因为推定影响甚至决定举证责任的分配。